Hepatic and Biliary Diseases: Anesthesiologists’ Perspective
Hepato as disease diverse hepatology -spectrum of biliary the.liver diseases Liver of . There diseases disease include clinical signs and symptoms. This book discusses the peri-operative management of
different disorders and conditions that may affect the liver and ultimately lead to
hepatic failure. Rare hepatobiliary diseases with significant morbidity are discussed, as
are future prospects such as a liver support system with the potential to revolutionize
the management of end stage liver disease.The text is comprehensive,updated as per
the present day requirements. This book provides a comprehensive description of
different conditions affecting liver and biliary system and their treatment in a user
friendly language.The matter is presented with appropriate explanations so that it can
be more accessible to a larger group of students. The book is fully career-oriented. It
fulfills the needs of students,teachersand researchers.