Clinical Sports Anatomy
Knowledge and an understanding of the human body and how it functions is the
starting point of sports anatomy theory. Understanding the anatomy of a sports
injury is the key to unlocking the diagnosis for most clinicians. Unfortunately,
anatomy is often poorly taught, is not clinically focused and many anatomy
textbooks are so complicated that searching for clinically useful information is
difficult. This book classifies structures according to their anatomical reference
points to form a diagnostic triangle. In this book different questions are coupled
with the more useful clinical tests and diagnostic operations to direct the reader
toward a definitive clinical diagnosis. The present book is aimed to create a
combined collection of study material for athletes, professionals, researchers and
students to understand the sports anatomy.The chapters have been written by the
renowned and internationally established experts.The bookcovers many topics of
the recent therapeutic approaches and researches made in the area of sports injury.
This book grasps and keeps vital information, succinct text, and dynamic
illustrationsthatfacilitatelearning in a highly visualapproach.