Essentials of Hand Surgery
Hand surgery ESSENTIALS deals with both surgical OFand HAND non-surgical SURGERY treatment of conditions r
and problems that may take place in the hand or upper extremity (commonly from
the tip of the hand to the shoulder) including injury and infection. Hand surgery
may be practiced by graduates of general surgery, orthopedic surgery and plastic
surgery.The book"Essentials of Hand Surgery"is a complete,authoritative,practical
guide to the evaluation and treatment of hand problems. This convenient and
comprehensive book provides all the essential information that surgeons and
physicians need, including details on hand anatomy, thorough instructions for
physical examination ofthehand,and step-by-step guidelines for the diagnosis and
treatment of all disorders and injuries.The text is written in an easy-to-follow style
and illustrated with photographs, and radiographs. The present book is aimed to
create a combined collection of study material for medical professionals,
researchers and students to understand outcome of recent researches of this field.
The chapters have been written by the renowned and internationally established
experts.Readers willfindthisbookvaluable.