Complex Injuries of the Hand

  1. Complex Injuries of the Hand
Complex Injuries of the Hand

Complex Injuries of the Hand

Author: Jake Vaughan ISBN:978-1-64435-122-2 Price: $199.95Year:2023 Upcoming

The hand is a very complex organ with multiple joints, different types of ligament,
tendons and nerves. Hand disease injuries are common in society and can result
excessive use, degenerative disorders or trauma.The book"Complex Injuries
of the Hand" is a practical guide to the management of complex hand injuries for
trainee and practicing hand surgeons,orthopaedic surgeons and plastic surgeons.
This bookfocuses on individualtissue systems and regions of complex hand injuries
and treatment of many tissue systems simultaneously. This book explains the
of diagnosis and treatment of complex and combined injuries of the
hand, and describes the anatomical and physiological basis for the type of
treatment that can lead to restoration of maximal function. Emphasis has been
placed on the synthesis and integration of treatment principles.It is a definitive'go
to' reference for hand surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons and plastic surgeons. It is
also illustrated with color photographs and diagrams showing repair and
techniques.The chapters have been written by the renowned and
internationally established experts. Physicians,surgeons and students will find this