Cardiac Biomarkers: Expert Advice for Clinicians
Cardiac biomarkers are substances that are released into the blood when the heart
is damaged or stressed. Measurements of these biomarkers are used to help
diagnose acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and cardiac ischemia, conditions
associated with insufficient blood flow to the heart.Tests for cardiac biomarkers can
also be used to help determine a person's risk of having these conditions or to help
monitor and manage someone with suspected ACSand cardiac ischemia.This book
is an outstanding resource for the practicing clinician. It is well written and is an
excellent summary of the different types of biomarkers in general and specifically of
cardiac biomarkers.This book presents a systematic approach to understanding of
the most challenging areas of the field. The concise text and numerous images
facilitate access to essential information and simplify the learning process. The
present book is aimed to create a combined collection of study material for medical
professionals, researchers and students to understand outcome of recent
researches of the field. It is a contribution of the renowned and internationally
established experts.Readers will find this book valuable.