Gastrointestinal Cancers (Endoscopic Imaging and Treatment)

  1. Gastroenterology/ Oncology
  2. Gastrointestinal Cancers (Endoscopic Imaging and Treatment)
Gastrointestinal Cancers (Endoscopic Imaging and Treatment)

Gastrointestinal Cancers (Endoscopic Imaging and Treatment)

Author: Christian Marshall ISBN:978-1-64435-174-1 Price: $199.95Year:2022 Upcoming

Cancer that affects the digestive system can be referred as Gastrointestinal cancer. This
includes cancers of the oesophagus, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine,
bowel, and
anus.This book describes the topics related to clinical importance in this field
along with
a comprehensive discussion on the relevant issues.This book focuses on new
evolving concepts with regards to Gl cancers. This book discusses the etiology,
, endoscopic diagnosis, use of endoscopic techniques, and the role of
endoscopic interventions
for all major Gl cancers.This book covers endoscopic techniques
with or without magnification, as well as endoscopic optical techniques which allow us to
obtain"realtime"biopsies of the Gl tract.This book covers number of images.It will provide
a better and informed knowledge about the various approaches for the
endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of patients with premalignant and malignant diseases
the Gl tract. Language of the book is lucid.The superb content of this book will be met
with great enthusiasm by the gastrointestinal fraternity and is helpful in further raising the
levelof expertiseinacademic and clinicalpractice.
Contents:1. Gastrointestinal System and Cancers, 2.Esophageal Cancer, 3. Gastric Cancer,
4.SmallIntestinal Cancers,5.Colorectal Cancer,6.Anal Cancer,7.Primary Hepatic Cancer,8.
Pancreatic and Biliary Cancer, 9. Gastrointestinal Endocrine Cancer, 10. Gastrointestinal