Brain and Spine Imaging Patterns

  2. Brain and Spine Imaging Patterns
Brain and Spine Imaging Patterns

Brain and Spine Imaging Patterns

Author: William Jackson ISBN:978-1-64435-106-2 Price: $249.95Year:2023

The brain and spinal cord together form the central nervous system.This complex
system is part of everything a person does.It controls the things someone wishes to
do. Thus a small disorder can be of grave danger to one's life. Neurosurgery is
considered the special realm of some of the world's most respected surgeons.This
presents a systematic approach to understanding one of the most
challenging areas of radiologic interpretation. Uniquely organized by various
patterns seen on CT,MRI,and
plain radiography imaging rather than pathology,the
carefully guides towards a group of differential diagnoses.This book provides
unmatched collection
of various diseases, defects and disorders. The easy-tonavigate organization of this book is specifically designed for use at the
. The concise text and numerous images facilitate access to essential
information and simplify thelearning
process.The present book is aimed to create a
collection of study material for medical professionals, researchers and
students to understand outcome of recent imaging patterns. The chapters have
been written
by the renowned and internationally established experts. Scientists
and students willfind this bookvaluable.